Blood is an important part of your health and behavior. Blood cells and plasma affect your mood, your ability to fight infections, and your basic desires for food and sex. This is an educational science resource for anyone who wants to know more about what blood is made of and about the important blood functions that support your life.
Blood is made of 45% cells and 55% plasma. The cellular portion of blood is almost entirely made of red blood cells, but also contains a small amount of white blood cells and platelets. These three cellular components provide your body with oxygen transport, disease defense, and blood clotting.
Blood plasma is mostly made of water and contains many molecules that are dissolved in the liquid such as proteins, hormones, nutrients, and ions. These tiny pieces of your plasma determine many aspects of your emotions, behavior, and health. If you’ve never felt particularly grateful for the tiny bits flowing through your blood, you can put these at the top of your human anatomy appreciation list.
Red blood cells (RBCs) make up nearly half of your blood volume (40-45%). They are shaped like round jelly donuts with an indent in the center that is stuffed with hemoglobin (Hb) proteins. The structure of a hemoglobin protein looks like four baseball mitts stitched together. Each mitt has an iron molecule in its center and these pockets create loose binding sites for dissolved gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide. These heme-iron protein mitts are the reason why you are able to carry enough oxygen to live and they also give human blood its red color.
Every breath you take gives your body the oxygen you need to survive and allows for the removal of carbon dioxide, which is toxic at high concentrations. Blood is required to transport oxygen and carbon dioxide throughout your body and even though both of these gases can dissolve directly in the blood plasma, your cells require much more oxygen than can be carried in the plasma alone. This is why RBCs are necessary for your life—they provide efficient oxygen transport to support your body’s approximately 37.2 trillion cells.
In order to reach your cells from the blood, your heart pumps blood into the lungs where approximately one billion oxygen molecules can bind to the hemoglobin mitts in a single RBC. These oxygen-loaded RBCs then flow back into your heart where they are pumped out through the rest of your body’s blood tubes. Next, oxygen leaves RBCs near tissue where the oxygen level is low and enters the surrounding cells. Carbon dioxide can now bind to the emptied hemoglobin mitts and hitch a ride back to the lungs for release.
However, only 20-30% of the carbon dioxide that your cells produce is transported to the lungs via RBCs because most carbon dioxide is converted into bicarbonate instead. Bicarbonate does not bind to the hemoglobin and dissolves directly in blood plasma where it functions as an important acid-base buffer in your bloodstream.
Note: Red blood cells are not real cells because they do not have a nucleus or organelles. They are cell-like discs that are full of hemoglobin.
If you experience excessive tiredness, weakness and difficulty breathing, a doctor may order blood tests to check your red blood cell levels as well as your oxygen, carbon dioxide, and bicarbonate levels. If your red blood cell count and oxygen levels are low, the doctor may conclude that you have anemia. Anemia is a condition in which you don’t have enough healthy RBCs to transport oxygen to your tissues and it is caused by blood loss, iron deficiency, vitamin deficiency, or impaired red blood cell production. Anemia also affects a whopping quarter of the global population. Make sure to support your RBCs with a well-balanced diet.
White blood cells are a tiny portion of your total blood volume (~0.5-1%) however, they are a crucial part of your body’s defense system. They are the immune system’s cellular defense ninjas that recognize and destroy invaders such as harmful fungi, bacteria, parasites, and also virus or disease infected cells. There are six main types of white blood cells and each type specializes in different areas of defense—some prefer to attack bacteria and others are highly skilled parasite assassins. When blood test results show an elevated white blood cell count, it often indicates that the body has an infection and is increasing the number of ninjas in the blood to fight. For a brief summary of the different white blood cell types, visit this UMRC resource.
White blood cells are a tiny portion of your total blood volume (~0.5-1%) however, they are a crucial part of your body’s defense system. They are the immune system’s cellular defense ninjas that recognize and destroy invaders such as harmful fungi, bacteria, parasites, and also virus or disease infected cells. There are six main types of white blood cells and each type specializes in different areas of defense—some prefer to attack bacteria and others are highly skilled parasite assassins. When blood test results show an elevated white blood cell count, it often indicates that the body has an infection and is increasing the number of ninjas in the blood to fight. For a brief summary of the different white blood cell types, visit this UMRC resource.
Blood plasma makes up 55% of blood and it is the largest amount of liquid in your body. Blood plasma is approximately 92% water and the remaining 8% contains a powerful mix of molecules that control many basic behaviors and emotions. When you feel hungry, anxious, sleepy, or sick, the microscopic bits that dissolve in your blood plasma are primarily responsible for these feelings. This is because blood plasma contains hormones, antibodies and clotting proteins, as well as nutrients such as fats, vitamins, electrolytes, and other digested food particles. Each of these components could have a full article dedicated to their function and importance, but the focus of this article is on the organs that interact with blood, so the information provided is brief.
Around 7% of the stuff that is dissolved in the watery plasma are proteins that can be divided into three categories: albumin, globulins and fibrinogen. These proteins may not seem worth remembering due to their clunky names, but there are plenty of reasons to be grateful for these globs:
Beyond each of their individual functions, all of these proteins are essential to maintain appropriate amounts of water within blood vessels. Due to their large size, most proteins cannot escape the blood vessel walls and therefore, they provide an incentive for water to enter the bloodstream. This incentive is due to osmosis and osmotic pressure, which determines the passive movement of water and other fluids in permeable systems.
One way to think about osmosis is to focus on how it influences the movement of water into and out of blood vessels. Think of water as an extroverted socialite—it flows toward the party with the most molecular guests. The bloodstream is a highly concentrated party due to the proteins and cells that are too big to exit the blood vessel walls. Therefore, water will flow into the blood vessels from surrounding tissues and tubes that are less concentrated, such as the kidneys and intestines. This osmosis party rule applies to the movement of water across all mammalian cell membranes and it is an essential process that supports the lives of all creatures and plants on this planet. Who knew that dihydrogen monoxide (H2O) had such a bustling social life?
The remaining 1% of blood plasma contains some of the most powerful effectors of your biology and well-being. These tiny components can be separated into three main groups: hormones, nutrients, and ions:
Blood composition: 45% cells and 55% plasma
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